Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
Please note that the arrival and dismissal information below pertains to our schedule when we are physically at PS 51 Q. Variations in the schedule will be updated as necessary.
a. Arrival
The school day begins at 8:00 a.m. Punctuality is very important. All students should arrive by 7:55 a.m. Students will line up outside to ensure safe social distancing.
Pre-K students are admitted at the rear door of the school, which can be reached through the schoolyard on the north side of the school, closest to Jamaica Avenue.
In the morning, kindergarten students will line up in the Multipurpose room downstairs.
First Grade students will enter the school yard (playground) closest to 89th Ave. on 9/5 and 9/6/24. Starting Monday, 9/9/24, First Grade students will line up in the Multipurpose downstairs.
Students entering the building may not be dropped off any earlier than 7:40 AM. Children brought to school late must enter through the front door and must be accompanied by an adult. Teachers will greet and escort them to their classrooms. If your child must be late or absent, send a note explaining the reason. Parents must telephone the school if your child is going to be absent. All lateness and absences become part of your child's permanent record and will be considered as part of our promotional policy.
b. Dismissal
The school day ends at 2:20 p.m. Pre-K students will be dismissed at the rear of the school. Kindergarten classes will line up in the Multipurpose Room. Grade 1 students will line up outside in the playground.
Parents should arrive at the school by 2:15 p.m. to ensure prompt pick-up. Teachers will release students one at a time, and must document who picks up each child. Please do not call out to your child to come to you. Only adults 18 years of age and older who are listed on the blue emergency card are authorized to pick up your child. The adults must always carry proper identification. This procedure ensures the safety of all students.
Please do not double park or park your vehicle in front of the school building's no parking zone, double park or block any driveways on the block.
Your child counts on YOU to be on time for arrival and dismissal! If you are not at school in time for dismissal, you must come to the main entrance of the school and sign in at the security desk. Please remember to carry proper identification (ID) with you at all times. If you know you will be delayed, please call the main office at (718) 850-0738 to let us know.
Thank you for your cooperation!